Why *not* to use an on-line translator

This has nothing to do with research, but if you can read Danish this is absolutely hilarious. Somebody at washingtonwine.org wrote a little blurb about wines in Washington and fed it into an on-line translator:

Velkommen hen til Afvaskning Vin Landskab Når det drejer sig om den kunsten at vin , Afvaskning Påstå ja kende dens " skræk " det var det den kombination i jord , klima og geografi at gør al vin adskilt. Netop opfordre den kritikken! Ideal jord , af stort omfang sunlight og hed dage hos afkøle aften betyder Afvaskning producerer noget af den bedst vin på jorden. Simpelt hen glæde sig ved en barometer i Afvaskning vin overalt hvor du er , eller opsøge Afvaskning vin landskab nemlig en stor erfaring.

Interestingly enough if you feed it back into Google Translate you get something you can actually understand (well, maybe not entirely):

Welcome to Washington Wine Landscape When it comes to the art of wine, Washington Stats yes know its "terror" it was the combination of soil, climate and geography that makes all wines separately. Just invite the criticism! Ideal soil, the extent to sunlight and hot days with cool evening means Washington produces some of the best wine on earth. Simple pleasure at a barometer of Washington wine wherever you are, or visit Washington wine landscape for a great experience.

The best part is that Washington becomes "Washing off" in Danish (think cleaning the dishes). The logic is clear ... the first part of Washington clearly means to clean! Maybe it is not quite the association you would want with your wine, but, hey, to each his own: Mmmm, try this delicious dish water wine ;-). That the translator put in "terror" is less surprising since the original work is French rather than Danish: "Terroir".
